
GBI ERC Sawangan was founded in mid 1993 by the late Ps. Soewito Njotorahardjo and Ps. Mariana A. Njotorahardjo whom we are more familiarly with as Uncle Nyo and Aunt Mariana to shepherd the residents of “Kasih Agape Nursing Home” and the Young Generations in Bojongsari, and Sawangan and that subsequently has brought forth GBI RAYON 9 which is currently being shepherded by Ps. Jongky T.M Mth.

There are a lot of spiritual life journey experiences that we look up to, high discipline as well as opportunity and trust given for us to grow in our ministry. Nurtures and upbringings push us ahead to keep going on in our holiness, faithfulness, and obedience accordant with the motto of our Ps. Nyo KST which is “Holy, Faithful and Obedient.”


Uncle Njo’s discipline emanated from his longing that his children can be as successful as they can be in the future and that has not been a vain dream as it’s proven that the next three generations; Ps. Niko Njotorahardjo, Ps. Billy Njotorahardjo & Bryan Njotorahardjo and their countless family members, as well as their spiritual families have served and become God’s wonderful vessels, and that’s all for God’s glory alone.

Uncle Njo was called home in his 81 in February 13th 2006, followed by Aunt Mariana in May 30th 2011 in her 85. They were married for more than 60 years and both of their life Values in Christianity are perceived as an epitome of a deep well that never runs dry, pouring an endless living life for us to remember.


Lukas 1 : (17) dan ia akan berjalan mendahului Tuhan dalam roh dan kuasa Elia untuk membuat hati bapa-bapa berbalik kepada anak-anaknya dan hati orang-orang durhaka kepada pikiran orang-orang benar dan dengan demikian menyiapkan bagi Tuhan suatu umat yang layak bagi-Nya.”


Berdasarkan Lukas 1 : 17 tugas

gereja membawa banyak orang yang belum percaya menjadi percaya kepada Kristus juga sekaligus memjadikan orang percaya menjadi lebih sungguh untuk menjadi Mempelai Kristus di era normal baru dengan kekuatan tatap muka (onsite) juga tatap layar (online).


Gereja GBI ERC Sawangan rindu & berusaha sungguh-sungguh untuk menjadi berkat, menjangkau dan memuridkan generasi terakhir ini sebagai Gereja Lokal dan juga Gereja Global dengan menggunakan semua platform digital untuk kemuliaanNya di era Pentakosta ke 3 dengan kekuatan  Generasi Yeremia yang cinta Tuhan habis-habisan memenangkan banyak jiwa di era terakhir menjelang kedatangan Tuhan ke 2 kali.



Senior Pastor

Ps. M. Riza Solihin
Ps. Elsa Imelda


Raya Muchtar, Sawangan No. 73 Bojongsari – Depok 16516


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